IC434 Horsehead Nebula. This nebula is probably one of the most imaged subject in astrophotography. IC434 is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion. It is about 1375 light years away from Earth. The nebula got its name because the dark dust cloud looks just like a horse’s head. Behind the Horsehead nebula is a huge area of ionized hydrogen gas lit up by the star group Sigma Orions (at the top of the image)
Integrated image#
- Telescope: Takahashi TSA-120N + TOA-35 Reducer
- Camera: ZWO ASI294MM Pro
- Mount: iOptron CEM40
- Filters: ZWO RGB 31mm + Astronomik H-alpha 6nm 1.25"
- Post Processing: Astro Pixel Processor + PixInsight
- Total Integration time: 20h 45'